Taxpayers foot a $55 million bill for San Francisco steroid cases

Current estimates of the San Fransicso District Attorney’s office for the prosecution of steroid cases, including Barry Bonds, which has failed to go to trial, are thought to be in the neighborhood of $55 million dollars. In the case of the specific cases pursued by the D.A., it is noteworthy that the alleged crime(s), i.e. steroid possession and distribution – are non-violent offenses, with very little impact on society in general, or San Francisco in general. A more sensible approach to law enforcement may involve trying to lower the city’s murder rate (69 per year), their rape statistics (215 per year), or any one of a number of other crimes that impact their citizens.

General Information:
State: California (CA)
City Population: 772,065
Murder: 69
Forcible Rape: 215
Robbery: 3,065
Aggravated Assault: 2,376
Burglary: 5,784
Larceny or Theft: 25,388
Car Theft: 6,991
Arson: 260
Data Source:
2003 FBI Report of Offenses Known to Law Enforcement

About the Author was founded in 2009 to bring together sports writers, steroid experts, and rogue insiders, to push the frontier of anabolic steroid journalism and discourse.